Saturday, June 21, 2008

On the Road

This is Babba (dad) for Brittany. . . she is still in the west of Nigeria at a university assisting with our HIV/AIDS program. She and the team are collecting audio interviews with faculty and students that will be edited and put into the program called: "Sex, Power and Relationships: Everything you wanted to know about HIV/AIDS but were afraid to ask."

I received a text message from one of the team that said that she and Colin "are made for this." I am sure they are relating well to the students, and give encouragement to them even by showing up.

NIFES (Nigerian International Fellowship of Evangelical Students) is related to the parent organization that InterVarsity Fellowship does in the US. Keep praying for their success, and a safe and uneventful trip back to Jos on Sunday. I'll let her relate the events of their 12 + hour trip to the West.

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